Sunday, March 7, 2010

Basic States of Matter

Matter exists in three basic states solid, liquid, or gas.
A solid has a definite shape regardless of the container in which it is put.
A soild has a definite volume.
A liquid has no definite shape but takes the shape of the container in which it is put.
A liquid has a definite volume (at the same temp)
A gas has a definite shape nor a definite volume. It takes the shape and volume of its container.

the source: home

Question: In what ways are the three states similar or different ?


  1. Solids and Liquids have a fixed volume, unlike gas which takes the volume of the container.
    Liquids and Gases take the shape of the container, unlike solids which hold their shapes.

  2. all three are made up of matter. but it is the distance between the particles that makes them different. solides have the closest distances, then comes water, then gas.

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